Data type compatibility is among the most important issue in Web services (SOAP based) interoperability. SOAP implementations convert XML schema types to language native data types during serialization and vice versa during deserialization. Different SOAP runtimes and underlying platforms/languages at sender and receiver end can therefore cause interoperability issues.
a) No direct native type maping. Some schema types such as xsd:unsignedshort, xsd:unsignedint xsd:unsignedlong do not always have a direct native type mappings on all languages. For example, in Java, unsigned types are not defined.
b) Difference in precisions. Different programming languages and platorms might support different precisions for XML schema defined floating point and decimal numbers such as xsd:decimal, xsd:double or xsd:float, leading to loss of precision during translation between xsd types to native types.
A good example of this issue is that of supporting Bigdecimal. XML Schema specification for decimal data types allows an arbitrary precision, upto 40 digits. Although Java BigDecimal also is defined as arbitrary-precision signed decimal numbers, it has an upper limit based on the underlying platform - Windows, Solaris, Linux, etc. The .NET implementation supports upto 29 digits.
Similarly, platforms use different precisions when interpreting native xsd:dateTime types. As per XML Schema specification, any number of digits after seconds may be coded into a dateTime data type. The Java platform supports a precision of upto three digits for the millisecond while .NET supports seven digits for the millisecond (can therefore support nanoseconds).
c) Null values in SOAP messages. Difference in how schema data types are mapped to native platform data types can cause issue in handling null values.
For example, lets say, a Java based Web service returns a date/time using java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar and a .NET consumer consumes the service. If the service returns a null, the .NET consumer fails, because in .NET System.DateTime is considered a value type (i.e., they reside in the stack) and value types cannot be a null. This is unlike Java where the two are classed as reference types (stored in the heap) and therefore can be null.
d) Processing byte arrays. SOAP allows exchanging data in the form of byte arrays (e.g., base64 encoded and placed on the XML document). Implementations may return inconsistent values due to a difference in native data types or other problems.
e) Processing nil and minOccurs='0'. These get handled differently in different platforms. For example, Java tools tend to serialize nulls explicitly as xsi:nil='true' unless told otherwise.
f) Weakly typed data structures: Some programming languages support Collection types such as hashmaps, vectors, sets, etc. Objects of these collection types, contains objects of other types. The receiving side may have trouble understanding SOAP messages containing such weakly-typed elements.
For example, an ArrayList may be taken as "anyType" in the XML schema, making it hard for the receiving side to map it to appropriate type.
2- Platform Idiosyncracies
a) Different interpretations of namespace declarations. Lets say you have two .NET services defined by unique URLs of the form: http://domain
b) Difference in platform generated proxies. Service proxies/stubs generated using one implemention do not typically work with other implementations. Moreover, code written against proxies generated using one version of the implementation may not work with another version of the implementation. For example, Code written against Axis 1.1 generated proxy may not work when the proxy is regenerated using Axis 1.2 (for example due to evolving xsd to Java type mappings).
c) Differences in expectations of type information. SOAP 1.1 defines a way to type each value explicitly using the xsi:type attribute. This is optional and typically not required if the type information is being expressed through the use of schema or any form of metadata exchange.
There were implementations that require explicit type information such as an earlier version of Apache SOAP. Other implementations such as .NET SOAP implementations didn't support it at all. This caused significant interoperability issues, since the implementation requiring type information would not be able to process a message from an implementation that doesn't include explicit type information.
3- SOAP and WSDL specific issues
a) Usage of mustUnderstand attribute. SOAP 1.1 defines a mustUnderstand attribute that can be specified for a SOAP header. The intent of this attribute is to ensure that if a SOAP processor/implementation doesn't understand it, it must fault. In other words, the recipient is required to understand and make use of the information supplied by the header. This helps in situations where a recipient can't perform its job unless it knows what to do with data provided by this header element.
SOAP 1.1 defines values for this attribute as 0 (false) or 1(true). The issues related to this attribute are:
- Some toolkits have allowed the values "false" and "true". Latest SOAP versions may also be requiring implementations to support these.
- Some SOAP runtimes do not support this attribute and rather offer work-arounds.
- null or no value, meaning there is no indication of the intent of the message, e.g., SOAPAction:
- Empty value, meaning the intent of the message is provided by the HTTP request URI, e.g., SOAPAction:""
- An arbitrary URI, such as SOAPAction: "" or SOAPAction: "whatever.sdl". Implementations have also allowed unquoted URIs such as SOAPAction:http://mydomain/whatever.
Some implementations also use it for application-level dispatch (e.g., routing the message to appropriate code).
Issues related to this header are:
- Use of SOAPAction for transports other than HTTP, is not specified by SOAP 1.1., although some SOAP implementations do provide equivalent functionality for other transport protocols, leading to interoperability issues, since not all implementations implement or implement the same way.
- SOAP implementations may interpret the "intent of the SOAP message" in different ways. This could be interpreted as the intended target for the message, the name of the target service, application level dispatch, and so forth. Therefore, a unless prior negotiation occurs between the sender and the receiver, full interoperability between implementations is hard to achieve.
- Some SOAP implementations require that the values be quoted. However, some implementations do not quote their SOAPAction HTTP header values; this causes problems with implementations that assume SOAPAction values.
- Also, if a receiver requires null-value SOAPAction, some HTTP client APIs have difficulty setting a null HTTP header value.
- Some implementations are unable to parse the the Unicode byte order mark sent by other implementations.
- Some SOAP implementations such as Apache SOAP do not support dispatching using the SOAPAction header. Instead they route based on the namespace URI of the first child element contained in the SOAP:Body element.
d) WSDL Style and encoding. The WSDL "style" refers to the way WSDL describes the content of a SOAP message. It has two legal values - Document and RPC.
WSDL also has a "use" attribute (encoded/literal) that controls how web services messages are serialized (formatted according to a standard format).
- SOAP 1.1 defines a SOAP encoding scheme (also refererred to as Section 5 encoding) that uses a set a rules based on the XML schema data types to encode programming language data types to XML and vice versa. However, the message doesn't conform to a particular schema. SOAP encoding is particularly useful while passing cyclic object graphs. For e.g., of one has an object graph that references a particular element many times, one would specify the element once and reference it at other places (similar to how one would do in a programming language such as Java). In literal encoding, on the other hand, one would have to repeat the element each time it is referenced. However, on the flip side, one cannot validate the message with an XML schema or transform it with XSLT.
- SOAP also supports literal encoding, which means the application data such as objects, primitive types and methods are serialied to XML according to a particular schema, and therefore one can validate the message with an XML schema or transorm it using XSLT.
- SOAP has no default encoding. Also, encoding can be defined through the encodingStyle attribute that identifies serialization rules. Some SOAP implementations default to SOAP encoding, while others default to using literal encoding. So, one side must be able to specify the encoding explicitly rather than use its default.
- Based on the WSDL style and use attributes, these are these possible combinations, that implementations must agree to (or worked around) before two sides can interoperate: RPC/Encoded, RPC/Literal, Document/Encoded (almost never used) and Document/Literal (and Document/Literal Wrapped).
An actor is of the type anyURI and can have multiple URI identifiers. The ultimate destination can be designated either explicitly (targeting the ultimate destination using a URI identifier) or by the absence of the actor attribute, as described in the last paragraph. This leads to confusion and interoperability issues among different SOAP implementations.
Also, certain SOAP implementations put additional constraints on SOAP headers containing "actor" attributes. For example, .NET WSE2.0 server looks for the WS-Addressing header when the actor attribute is configured on the client, while the clients may not be requiring that, since its not required by SOAP specification.
For additional interoperability issues refer to
Great doc. It is very difficult to see information on the real issues which will be faced by the coder
great research work !
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